Our Guiding Approach


There are so many different ways to teach, varying circumstances to take into account, and philosophies to apply to each classroom. And what better way to have a positive impact on the world than to offer knowledge for consumption? The term 'teacher' can be applied to anyone who imparts knowledge of any topic, but it is generally more focused on those who are hired to do so. In imparting knowledge to our students, it is inevitable that we must take into account our own personal philosophies, or pedagogies, and determine not only how we decide what our philosophies are, but also how those impact our consumers

Our Pedagogy

  • HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills)
  • Self review
  • Peer review
  • Information fluency
  • Media fluency
  • Technalogical fluency
  • Incorporating suitable technologies
  • Collaboration
  • Inter Disciplinary Approach
  • Inter Disciplinary Approach
  • Real World Problems
  • In Context of learning
  • Timely and appropriate feedback
  • Relevant task
  • Self and peer assessment
  • Inter Disciplinary approach
  • Collaborative mediums
  • Digital Tools
  • Suitable Technologies
  • Team Skills
  • Effective Communications
  • Communications Inter Disciplinary approach